ppKTP Waveguide
ppKTP Waveguide serves as a generator of quantum light for integrated technologies.
Compared to bulk crystals, they have the advantage of enhanced pair generation efficiency, typically by one order of magnitude. In our waveguides, the light is self-contained inside a core of 15-30 microns in diameter. These devices are beneficial for highly efficient single-pass frequency conversion and pair generation. PPKTP Waveguide offer improved brightness in quantum applications, allowing miniaturization of quantum light sources and compatibility with all-fiber systems and integrated photonics.Technical Data
Periodically Poled Potassium Titanyl Phosphate, KTIOP04 (ppKTP) is a nonlinear device that features:
- Highest Nonlinear coefficient
- Free of Walk-off
- Efficient for up-conversion and down- conversion
- Broad phase matching range
- Quantities for mass-production as well as small quantities for R&D
Raicol’s offers innovative PPKTP for quantum applications:
- Monolithic \ Half monolithic PPKTP – designed to support cavity based quantum application.
- SPPKTP (Beta) – designed to support high Laser damage thresholds and High average poor to support short pulse SPDC as well as effective monolithic PPKTP.
Transparency Range
350nm - 4000nm
Typical 1mm*2mm
Absorption Coefficient
Up to 30 mm
λ/6 @633nm
<10 arc min.
Laser-Induced Damage Threshold
1,500 MW/ cm² (with coating) @1064 nm, for 10 ns pulses
20 arc sec.
AR Coating
Extra/Intra cavity, AR/AR, AR/HR, DBAR
- Second Harmonic Generation (SHG)
- Third Harmonic Generation (THG)
- Heralded Single Photons Pairs
- Entangled Photons Pairs
- Squeezed Light
- Correlated Photons
For further information on Raicol quantum application, please visit: www.raicol-quantum.com