ppKTP Crystal
ppKTP is The leading crystal for quantum applications used in the leading cutting-edge quantum research in the past 20 years.
Today Raicol's ppKTP is the most common crystal for SPDC and it is used in a wide range of single and entangled photon sources. To support the quantum industry, Raicol has been optimizing its ppKTP crystals functionalities to support innovative quantum applications. The unique type of nonlinear material, based on quasi-phase matching (QPM), can be tailored for all nonlinear applications within the transparency range of KTP, without the limitations of birefringent matching used in regular KTP interactions. Its effective nonlinear coefficient is about three times larger than that bulk KTP.Technical Data
Periodically Poled Potassium Titanyl Phosphate, KTIOP04 (ppKTP) is widely recognized for these features:
Highest nonlinear coefficient:
- Free of walk-off
- Efficient for up-conversion and down- conversion
- Broad phase matching range
- Quantities for mass-production as well as small quantities for R&D
Raicol’s offers innovative ppKTP for quantum applications:
- Monolithic \ half monolithic ppKTP – designed to support cavity based quantum application.
- SppKTP (Beta) – designed to support high Laser damage thresholds and High average poor to support short pulse SPDC as well as effective monolithic PPKTP.
Typical 1mm*2mm
Up to 30 mm
λ/6 @633nm
Absorption Coefficient
<10 arc min.
20 arc sec.
AR Coating
Extra/Intra cavity, AR/AR, AR/HR, DBAR
Transperency Range
350nm - 4000nm
Laser-Induced Damage Threshold
1,500 MW/ cm² (with coating) @1064 nm, for 10 ns pulses
- Second Harmonic Generation (SHG)
- Heralded Single Photons Pairs
- Entangled Photons Pairs
- Squeezed Light
- Correlated Photons
For further information on Raicol quantum application, please visit: Raicol quantum