LBO Crystal
Raicol is a world-leading manufacturer of super-polished LBO (SPLBO).
Raicol's SPLBO is ideal for high-power laser applications due to:
highest surface quality, optical homogeneity for the lowest bulk absorption, and unmatched surface absorption for the highest laser damage threshold
These qualities provide substantial advantages for the nonlinear conversion of high-power lasers. Raicol’s SPLBO is used in advanced applications such as high-power SHG conversion, efficient THG, and OPCPA.Technical Data
LBO (Lithium Triborate LiB3O5 ) is a nonlinear optical crystal suitable for various nonlinear optical applications.
LBO crystals combine wide transparency into the deep UV, relatively high nonlinear coupling, high damage threshold and good chemical and mechanical stability.
LBO material is widely recognized for these features:
- Wide transparency range (160nm – 2600nm)
- Optimized for THG – UV applications @355nm
- High nonlinear coefficient (d31 = 1.05 ± 0.09 pm/V)
- High damage threshold compared to Standard LBO (30 J/cm²])
- Type I and non-critical phase matching in a wide wavelength range
- High optical homogeneity- Ultra low bulk absorption (2ppm/cm2)
- Wide acceptance angle and small walk-off angle
Up to 60X60 nm²
Up to 70 nm along x axis
Up to λ/10 @1064 nm
Up to 5 arc sec.
Up to 5 arc min.
2/1 up to 0/0 per custom demand
AR coatings
Dual band R < 0.1 %
Absorption coefficient
Bulk (1064nm) < 20 ppm/cm; typical < 4 ppm/cm
Surface (1064nm) < 2 ppm for super polish
Bulk (532nm) < 35ppm/cm; typical < 8ppm/cm
Surface (532nm) < 2 ppm for super polis
Wave front distortion control
λ/8 @633nm
Laser-Induced Damage Threshold
2,500 MW/ cm²@1064 nm
1,000 MW/ cm²@532 nm
500 MW/ cm²@355 nm
For ns pulses @10 Hz