CLBO Crystal
The CLBO Crystal is transparent well into the DUV down to 180nm and allows type 1 SHG conversion up to 237nm and SFG below 190nm.
CLBO is optimal for DUV, combined with its low absorption, and high surface quality and LDT allows high-power DUV applications. CLBO has a relatively high nonlinear coefficient and low walk-off and is ideal for the 4th and 5th harmonic generation of ND: YAG and the 6th Harmonic of 1550nm. CLBO is an OXIDE productTechnical Data
CLBO (cesium lithium borate, CsLiB6O10) is a nonlinear optical crystal ideal for DUV light generation.
CLBO holds high transparency and low absorption in the DUV, High LIDT, relatively high coefficient, and low walk-off.
Main Features
- Wide transmission range- especially in the DUV 180-2750nm
- Large coefficient d36(532nm)=0.92pm/V
- High bulk laser damage threshold (>1.7 times higher than fused quartz @266nm)
- Small walk-off
- Superior harmonic generator in UV region (4HG & 5HG of Nd:YAG, Shortest Type I SHG:237nm; SFG under 190nm)
Up to 15*15 mm²
Up to 20 mm
λ/8 @633nm
<10 arc min.
20 arc sec.
Up to 5/1
Wave Front Distortion
λ/8 @633nm
AR Coating
Absorption Coefficient
150ppm/cm @1064nm
Laser Induced Damage Threshold
29 GWcm² @1064nm*
6.4GWcm² @266nm*