BBO EO cell Crystals
Raicol offers BBO crystals based electro-optic cells
for many laser applications, including Q-switch, phase modulator, amplitude modulator, pulse picker, cavity dumper, shutter, attenuator, and deflectorTechnical Data
Beta-barium borate (BBO) is a versatile nonlinear crystal ideally suited for nonlinear laser interactions. BBO crystals combine very wide transparency, relatively high nonlinear coefficient, very low absorption and very high damage threshold.
BBO phase matches over a wide range, yielding SHG, SFG and OPO from 190 to 1780 nm.
BBO material is widely recognized for these features:
• Wide transmission region from 185 nm to 3500 nm;
• Broad SHG phase matching ranges from 205 nm to 1300 nm
• Large effective second-harmonic-generation (SHG) coefficient about 6 times larger than that of KDP crystal;
• High damage threshold.
• High optical homogeneity with δn ≤10-6/cm;
• Wide temperature-bandwidth