RTP Modulators
RTP is an ideal candidate for a wide variety of Electro-Optic and especially as phase modulators, attenuators, fast shutters and more.
The outstanding electro-optical parameters allow extremely fast modulation (rise/fall time under 1 ns) and high repetition rates (over 1MHz) without ringing. Different designs enable a variety of applications such as phase modulators, amplitude modulators and attenuators, fast shutters and polarization control. The crystal is transparent at all common visible and near-infrared laser wavelengths. RTP is non-hygroscopic which makes it robust in extreme conditions, has temperature-compensating assemblies, and has a relatively high damage threshold and low losses making it a perfect solution for higher powers and other high-end applications.Technical Data
- Low half-wave voltage of modulators
- Rise time, fall time, and pulse width of 1 ns to enable fast operation
- The best material with optimal functionality in the spectral range of 500-3000 nm for electro-optic applications.
- High laser-induced damage threshold (up to 1000 MW/cm2, at 1064 nm, 10 ns pulse)
- Very low absorption losses at 1064 nm wavelength
- Extremely high homogeneity: up to 15*15 mm cells as a standard size
- Non-hygroscopic, easy handling, no cover needed
- Minimal ringing, compatible for over 1 MHz repetition rate
1.5*1.5 mm² to 15*15 mm²
Up to 50 mm
Operatiopnal Range
500-3000 nm
Transmission @ 1064 nm
> 99%
Crystal Length
Up to 50 mm
Acceptance Angle
<4 deg.
Standard AR Coating @1064 nm
R < 0.2 %
Laser Induced Damged Threshold
Up to 1 GW/cm², @1064 nm, 10 ns pulse or 10J/cm²